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Finding Serenity in the Midst of Chaos

Finding Serenity in the Midst of Chaos

Hosted by: Dr. Tülay Massey

This podcast is a series of transformational radio interviews with my friend 007 Ian Fleming about life’s everyday challenges. We dive into so many life topics and I give profound examples of how I overcame some of...

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Episode 154 - 5 Strategies to Stop Feeling Anxious At Night!

Do you find it hard to get to sleep?   Or perhaps you wake up at night with anxiety and can't go back to sleep?   I know how you feel.   Well, I don't suffer from much anxiety these days, but there was a time I used...
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Episode 153 - 3 Reasons Why You Don't Feel Appreciated and Valued by Others!

Do you ever get the feeling that no matter what you do, How Hard you work, and how many sacrifices you make for others, you are heard, valued or appreciated by others {{ first_name }}?   I get it.   This is how you...
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Episode 152 - Why Can't You Make Anyone Happy?

Do you find you spend most of your time trying to make sure other people in your life are happy?   It is down to YOU to make sure kids are looked after,   It is YOU who is always running around your husband.   It is...
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Episode 151 - Finding Inner Peace Using 3 Simple Steps!

 In a world full of chaos, if you have been wondering "How can I find peace in a busy life?" You are in the right place. In this video, we will be talking about 3 Things that will help you find peace today! In a world...
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Episode 150 - Why Do You Seek Permission From Others and How To Stop it Now!

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Episode 149- How Can You Feel Good Enough Even When You Are Not Confident!

We are talking about feeling good enough - or not feeling good enough as the case maybe.   One of my clients said this is how she felt before we started our coaching journey together: “No matter how much I achieve and...
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Episode 148 - 4 Things I learned Working With a Coach - an interview with Ian Fleming!

Have you ever wondered just 'what are the benefits of working with a coach?" Well, today, the tables are turned and I get to interview Ian Fleming, my podcast partner, to hear his experience of working with me in the...
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Episode 147 - How To Find What You Want Next Despite The Uncertainty!

If you are at a crossroads in life, you might start to wonder "How can I find what I want next in life despite the uncertainty of the future?" This is why today, we talked about this question and more importantly how...
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Episode 146 - 4 Things To Take Care First to Prioritise Yourself

How do you prioritise your own needs over everything else you have to do in any given day? More importantly, WHAT should you prioritise amongst all your needs as a person? When it comes to priorities, most people I...
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Episode 145 - How To Stop Worrying About the Future

Today, we are talking about how to stop worrying about the uncertainty about the future. I gave 6 different ways to train your brain to stop focusing on the unwanted future and start focusing on now. This will give...
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Episode 144 - 5 Ways to Be Grateful - Which One Are You Practising?

Gratitude is the attitude, right? But what sort of gratitude? You might be thinking, what do you mean what sort of gratitude? How many sorts are there? Well, as it turns out there are 5 levels/types of gratitude and...
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Episode 143 - 3 Things you can do to feel happy right now!

Are you looking for simple ways to boost your happiness instantly? In this episode, we're sharing three powerful techniques to help you feel happier right now! 💥  Of course, there are many ways you can feel happy in...
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