❓ Are you done with starting every day in overwhelm?


❓ Living life in an uphill struggle and


❓ Carrying the weight of everyone else's expectations on your shoulders?





You too can master the

Serenity Principles for Life

&  move from 'Chaos to Serenity' in 8 just weeks no matter where you are now!

Start your transformation now

🗸 Having more time for yourself

🗸 Knowing your own value & self-worth

🗸 Being clear on your vision & values

🗸 Being Calm, Happy, Joyful, Rested & Present

🗸 Saying goodbye to overwhelm & chaos

🗸 Having a fulfilled life with purpose & the ultimate work/life balance

...without reading another personal development book!

This Self-Study Course is for you if you are:

A time-poor high achieving professional woman who is:

🙋‍♀️ Feeling overworked, overbooked & burnt-out with constant demands on you.

🙋‍♀️ Trying to control everything & take care of others with no appreciation

🙋‍♀️ Constantly seeking approval outside of yourself

🙋‍♀️ Afraid of being rejected & judged by others

🙋‍♀️ Afraid of saying no & setting boundaries & end up neglecting your own needs

🙋‍♀️ Feeling no matter what you do, you are never good enough!

It is also for you if...

😕 You’ve read every personal development book that you can think of,

😕 You keep chasing one achievement after another just to feel good enough, and fail,

😕 You can’t seem to stick to your goals & get what you want, because life gets in the way.


Then Listen,

If you are like most people I work with & said YES to at least ONE of the above...

The chances are you too may have turned into an

'overwhelmed people pleaser' 

and as you already know you cannot help anyone else.
Until you learn to look after your own needs first.

I get it, I have been there and I can help you change it.


You probably already know, that nothing will change in your life until you look at the mirror and face head-on what you are afraid of.

As you are reading this, you are probably already realizing how hard have you been making it for yourself, are you not?

What if you knew no one is here to judge you?

What if you knew when you look inside yourself and knew that you will fall in love with what you discover, even if you don't like what you see right now?

This is exactly what the Serenity Principles for life self-study course will do for you.

It is an 8-week self-study course.

Each week you will get a short video explaining the specific module and you get to dive into the specially created PDF homework and look within.

You can do it at your own pace, in your own space!

No judgement from others, no guilt, no shame...

Just self-reflection and self-love.

You will start to see the incredible transformation within the first few weeks already.

Not only that, it has the exact same curriculum I cover with my 1:1 clients, for a fraction of the investment!💥

Start your transformation now

I know what it feels like to live in Chaos and I have finally found Serenity.

I am now on a mission to help other time-poor high achieving women move from ‘Overwhelmed People-Pleasers’ into finding their balance, purpose, meaning in life by becoming the conscious 'Heart-Centered Creators' that they are!

I will help you master your mind and your conscious mindset habits so that you can find time for yourself and BE present with your family!

You can now do that at your own pace with the self-study version of the Serenity Principles for life Programme.

Start your transformation now

When you become the 'Heart-Centered Creator' of your own life you will...

Align with your purpose

to find inner peace, joy and happiness in everything you do.

Be able to create time

for yourself and those that are important to you.

Have a fulfilled life

with balance and Serenity!

Mastering the Serenity Principles for Life is the fastest and the most effective way to get into alignment and become the heart-centred creator of your own life!


You are always creating…whether you realise it or not


You either create the thing you want or the thing you are most afraid of

  • If you are focused on FEAR, WORRY, ANXIETY, UNCERTAINTY, you will create more of that
  • If you are focused JOY, HAPPINESS, CALM, PEACE, EXCITEMENT and OPPORTUNITY, that is exactly what you will create!


 It is now time for you to start focusing on the thing you want!



Start your transformation now

I am now on a mission to help other time-poor high achieving women move from ‘Overwhelmed People-Pleasers’ into finding their balance, purpose, meaning in life by becoming the conscious 'Heart-Centred Creators' that they are!

I will help you master your mind and your conscious mindset habits so that you can find time for yourself and BE present with your family!

You can now do that at your own pace with the self-study version of the Serenity Principles for life Programme.

Start your transformation now

By the end of this programme, you will...

You will also BE...

Start your transformation now by MASTERING the Serenity Principles for Life


WEEK 1: The Life Balance Workbook
Discover where you are before we start

Evaluate where you are right now with the Life Balance Workbook. Truly discover what is working and what is not working. Pick an area to work on first.

WEEK 2: Module 1
Identify & Eliminate Limiting Beliefs​

Identify and eliminate limiting beliefs. Only when you let go of the old beliefs, you can fly.

WEEK 3: Module 2
What is your vision?

Create a clear vision for the outcome you want. Without a vision, you will feel like a ship lost in the sea, going in any direction that the wind will take you.

WEEK 4: Module 3
What Are Your Subconscious Values​

Discover and work with your subconscious values and drivers. You are only committed to what you value in life. This week is a game-changer in how you make your decisions!

WEEK 5: Module 4
What is Your Subconscious Identity and How Do You Change It?

If you want to truly change your life, you have to start BEING the person you want to be NOW! This is when you start to learn how to re-programme your subconscious mind.

WEEK 6: Module 5
What are Your Subconscious Habits?

How are habits formed and how
to change them? When you know your values and WHO you want
to BE, the habits you want to have become CONSCIOUS and by repeating the right habits, we make them unconscious but useful (just like brushing your teeth)!

WEEK 7: Module 6
Commitment and Responsibility

What are you committed to going forward and how will you be responsible in delivering your commitments?

WEEK 8: Reflection
What is next for you?

Time to reflect, fully consider and discover what becomes possible for you when you let go off the old beliefs, the old way of living and the old identity you have been holding on to?

Move from 'Chaos to Serenity' in just 8 weeks!



One-time Payment

  • 8 videos to introduce each week 
  • Weekly homework workbooks 
  • A Special Audio to help you let go of your limiting beliefs 
  • Guided visualisation audio for subconscious re-programming 
  • Lifetime access to the videos and all the course material
  • Lifetime access to any future updates to the materials taught